You can register here
Birthday Parties
For more information
check out our birthday
page here.
Email nflightninggymnasticclub@gmail.com
for availability.
Open Gym
Open Gym for Ages 15+ Coed - please see recreational schedule for availability.​
Community Update October 24, 2025
**UPDATE: - as of November 1 coaches suspension of Mr. Gorodetski and Ms. Kashkevich have been lifted.**
Lightning is Hiring!!
NFLGC is looking to hire a Recreational Coordinator and Part Time Competitive and Recreational coaches. For more information click the links below
Rec Coordinator
Please check out our
FaceBook and Instagram
pages for more updates
Welcome to
Lightning Gymnastics!
Since 1976 Lightning Gymnastics has been providing
professional training to recreation and competitive athletes!
Check out our 2023-24
Year in Review video
that was shared at our
year-end Banquet in June.
Spirit Wear is now available
We are very excited to have a new line of Niagara Falls Lightning Gymnastics spirit wear available! We have teamed up with Big Bear Spiritwear, a local company in Niagara Falls. They have designed some beautiful options for hoodies, t-shirts and track pants for our club. You can click here to go you directly to the page that they have created for our clothing line. You can shop and customize your clothing with the different options that are available. If you have any questions regarding spirit wear you can contact the company directly and they can assist you. We can't wait to see the new line being worn by our athletes!
Looking for Gift Ideas?
Wickid Wear has a great selection of body suits, tank tops, shorts, face masks, grip bags, hair scrunchies and American Doll attire. View their catalogue and connect with Wickid Wear or email NFLGC
Delta Bingo has supported Lightning Gymnastics since 2010. The funds are primarily used to purchase new equipment and help keep recreational programs affordable. Thank you Delta Bingo for your continued support.
Thank you to the Canadian Red Cross
Niagara Falls Lightning Gymnastic Club would like to express our gratitude to the Canadian Red Cross and the Government of Canada for your generous financial support through Covid-19 Emergency Support for Non-Profits granting program which helped us with Covid-19 readiness in order to return to activities and provide a safe environment for the kids.